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Panchkarma Treatment

Panchkarma Treatment

The Art of Healing With The Power of Five

Our ancient Indian medicine system, Ayurveda, offers a holistic approach to our overall health, for which it strongly emphasizes not just being a disease-free body but a body with well-balanced bodily components.

Our Ayurvedic philosophy centralizes three doshas : Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha, which are made up of five elements, air, water, fire, earth, and ether representing the nervous, metabolic, and nutritional systems, respectively. When these doshas fall out of balance, it can lead to the manifestation of diseases. The primary goal of Ayurvedic treatments is to restore this balance and harmony among the doshas.

Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatment exemplifies this holistic approach by facilitating the elimination of toxins from the body through a series of five procedures:


Vaman, which means vomiting is a treatment given to patients for their inside and outside oleation (cleansing) and fomentation treatments for a few days including Ayurvedic therapies. This treatment melts toxins from the body, and emetic medicines enable vomiting, disposing of poisons from body tissues.

Vaman is mostly preferred to cure fever, bronchial asthma, chronic asthma, chronic sinusitis, filariasis, various skin diseases, diabetic condition, oral cavities, Schizophrenia, obesity, epilepsy, generalized diffuse swelling, etc.


Virechan is a procedure by which the vitiated doshas are eliminated through anal route. This treatment involves deepanpachan for 2 weeks followed by snehpan for a week, external oil massages in terms of abhyanga and bapsswedan. Virechan is considered to be the most effective way of eliminating the exaggerated Tridosha from the small intestine.

Virechan is mainly prescribed for conditions like Anaemia, Jaundice, Gouty Arthritis, Eczema, Worm, Allergic Dermatitis, Skin Disorders, Bronchial Asthma, Obesity, Goitre, Hemiplegia, Diabetes, Tumour, Hyperpigmentation, Schizophrenia, Male And Female Infertility, Ascites, Chronic Constipation, Obstruction Of Urine, Etc.


Basti karma is a procedure in which the medicines in suspension are administered through rectum or genitourinary tract using basti yantra, as per one important quotation mentioned in charak samhita.

Basti is the most crucial Panchkarma procedure and the most appropriate remedial measure for balancing the Tridosha and removing toxins from the body.

Basti is the prime bio-cleansing procedure as it performs a variety of functions like cleansing effect, palliative effect, aphrodisiac, nourishing effect and rejuvenating effect.

Basti is often considered a potent ayurvedic therapy against Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Sciatica, Parkinson’s Disease, Grout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Chronic Constipation, Digestive Disorders, Chronic Fever, Infertility, Obesity, Diabetes, Liver Disorders, Etc.


Nasya is one of the vital Panchkarma therapies in which administration of medicated oil/herbs through nostrils is performed in order to eliminate vitiated dosha. It removes toxins from the sinuses, throat, nose or head parts.

If these toxins are not removed for a long time, they can start irritating the local body parts which creates disturbance in daily work and help in reducing headache, spondylosis, lock jaw, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of throat, myopia, metropia, astigmatism, diseases related to eyes, migraine, etc.


Raktmokshan is the blood cleansing and purification therapy in which the blood is expelled from the body to reduce the quantity of toxic substances from the body and mind which improves the constitution of blood tissue.

This treatment provides rapid and drastic decrease in symptoms of Skin Disease, Erysipelas, Boils Carbuncles, Abscess, Ringworm, Scabies, Vitiligo, Foot Corn, Nasal Haemorrhoids, Hyperpigmentation, Enlargement Of Liver, Spleen, Sciatica, Hypothyroidism, Etc.

Panchkarma is not merely a means of addressing existing ailments but also serves preventive and promotive functions, aiding in maintaining overall health.

What are the benefits offered by Panchkarma?

  1. Panchkarma treatment detoxifies the body by removing toxins through various cleansing procedures (vaman, virechan, basti, nasya and raktmokshan).
  2. Removal of harmful toxins helps in balancing the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and improves health and well-being.
  3. Panchkarma improves digestion and metabolism, helping the body to absorb nutrients in a better way.
  4. The power of the five karmas strengthens the immune system, making the body more resilient to diseases.
  5. Panchkarma reduces stress, calms the mind and nervous system, and promotes relaxation.
  6. Panchkarma is highly preferred for its rejuvenation, which renews and revitalizes the body, promoting a healthy and long life.
  7. The panchkarma treatment balances the doshas in the body, which ultimately assists in weight management by addressing the imbalances.
  8. The treatment improves and boosts energy levels and vitality, promoting a sense of well-being.

What happens after Panchkarma?

The Panchkarma cleansing process can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being. As a result, while undergoing the treatment, you may experience changes in these aspects of your health.

It is common for many patients to go through a phase of “healing crisis.” This is a natural part of the healing process and is a positive step towards achieving optimal health.

Setu Nutricare Clinic offers a comprehensive, holistic approach, blending the expertise of Ayurvedic nutrition, Aahar (food), Vihar (lifestyle), and Ayurvedic treatments. Panchkarma addresses the root cause of imbalances within the body, promoting detoxification, rejuvenation, and restoration of optimal health. At Setu Nutricare Clinic, our mission extends beyond healing to crafting personalized lifestyle plans for a healthy, disease-free, and medicine-free life.