It is possible with Setu Nutricare Clinic!



Shirodhara Treatment

Let’s talk about oils! Different kinds of oils, infused with different herbs and essence, have been used to rejuvenate our mind and body since ages. The drastic effect of these kind of traditional therapies have proved to be more effective in a lot of individuals. The oil used in this therapy is carefully chosen considering the body type. This treatment is full of benefits! Right from relieving stress, to enhancing sleep quality, this is a perfect therapy for the urban citizens who crave for some natural peace in their lives.

Panchkarma Treatment

Panchkarma works on the base of our body, it enriches, detoxifies and replenishes the body with a new source of energy. It helps in getting rid of harmful toxins gathered in our bodies for years together. Panch meaning five, and karma meaning procedures. So this therapy consists of five different procedures to heal, your body from inside out. It is an ayurvedic pathway towards a better and healthy life, and we at Setu Nutricare Clinic, see to it that we use authentic and traditional methods to accomplish a successful panchakarma therapy.Panchkarma works on mind and body both, so any healthy adult between the ages of 17-70 can get this therapy.Mainly works wonders for someone who is working on de- addiction, someone who wants to detoxify their body and work towards its betterment.“You only have one body, better take good care of it”If you are suffering from rigid diseases like obesity, anxiety, cancer, diabetes, and many more of such lifestyle diseases, Panchkarma is the right treatment for you. So take charge of your life and nourish it the right way through the traditional Panchkarma treatment

Abhyanga is the traditional method of massaging the whole body with different kinds of oils used as remedies. A daily practice of Abhyanga can help restore the various doshas in our bodies, and impart a harmonious balance to mind and body Benefits of Abhyanga Increases blood flow Natural lubrication to the joints Enhances vision Pacifies various doshas like Vatta, Pitta and Cougha of our body Natural detoxification Gives you soft and smooth skin Relaxed mind and body Removes tight knots and relaxes muscles These traditional practices shows us how would we feel, once we start loving our bodies!